Oxycise/ Оксисайз. Базовое дыхание & Первый уровень ч.1

# 2828
Yellow Flower Yellow Flower · 442 ролика
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Категория ролика: Фитнес

Рубрика: Дыхательные гимнастики

Теги: похудение, оксисайз, бодифлекс

Оксисайз - революционная система похудания Oxycise1 - Introduction to Oxycise! Basic Breath and Techniques ( ознокомление с Оксисайз!Базовое дыхание и техники) In this life-changing movie, Jill unleashes the secrets to how you can use the amazing power of oxygen to unlock your body's natural ability to burn fat, reshape your body and reduce stress while you enjoy increased energy and vitality! The diaphragmatic breathing techniques you learn in this DVD are proven to burn 140% more calories than riding a stationary bicycle. Once you master these techniques, you'll love incorporating them into your life and just watch the inches melt away. Oxycise2 - Level One 15-Minute Workout (Первый уровень - 15-минутная тренировка) Oxycise! comes to life as you work with Jill Johnson and others to learn how to get maximum results from the Oxycise! System in just 15 minutes a day! Also in this DVD, Jill demonstrates each body position in detail, to help you make the most of your Oxycise! workout. Learn to breathe your way to the physical shape you want to be! o Watch the fat disappear o Strengthen your back and spine o Improve your energy o Develop flexibility o Reduce stress o Increase endurance and strength o Cleanse your body o LOSE WEIGHT!
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